2012-2013 Registration

It's not too late to register for the current scouting year! Contact your section leader now if you want to be included. See details here.

The First Lorette Scout Group consists of three sections, Beavers (5-7yrs), Cubs (7-10 yrs) and
Scouts (10-15 yrs). The scouting program ( Beavers, Cubs and Scouts) is open to both girls and boys. Each section offers at least one annual camp / sleepover, and many outdoor activities in all seasons. The 1st Lorette Scout Group is a very active and challenging group. We have great leaders and a great program. Our group has it's own mini-school bus, equipment trailer , canoes and camping equipment.
Come out and join the adventure!

This website represents the 1st Lorette Scout Group. It has not been endorsed or approved by Scouts Canada