Scouts Canada Build a Home Challenge Activity Badge
We have always seen this little store they own and run and wondered about the family. As we investigated them we found out that they sell vegetables from a vehicle as well as run the store. Their house was a few plywood sheets with one full 4 x 8 sheet as a door. They all slept in this building with no mattresses just a blanket on the floor. As we poured the floor for them they graciously made us food in appreciation for our help. On a good day selling vegetables, they can make 300 to 400 pesos minus expenses, gas and the cost of the produce."
The Families and Building Teams
Family 1
Valerio Venegas 38, Catalina Garcia 35, Daniela 14, Valeria 12, Lorena 11, Vecenia 7, Asjena 6, Estrella 3
Family 2
Gabriela Soto Cruz 35, Mario Ignacio 38, Mario (unsure of age), Gabriel (unsure of age).
They are a wonderful family who are struggling to get ahead. They work at Berry Mex, a local fruit producer. Mario makes about 800 to 1000 pesos a week ($75-$95) when there is work available. They currently live in a small trailer with a small cardboard and plastic extension for a kitchen. They live right next door to another brother and they share one shower and bano.
This is part of an amazing loving family. We have already built for his brother and now we are going to build for his sister who lives right next door. Grand ma and grand pa live with this family as well and I asked her why she does not have her own land. She told me that her son said he was going to take care of them in there old age. It is so inspiring to see the tight knit family till the end. Jose also works at Berry Mex making 800 to 1000 pesos a day."
Gloria Avina Ramirez 23, Jose Rodoifo Soto 24, Maria (age unknown), Grand Ma (age unknown) and Grand Pa (age unknown).
Family 3
As we walked through their property the first things that struck us were the number of buildings and what was inside of them! There were green houses with lots of different vegetables and flowers, lots of different animals such as rabbits, chickens, a duck, pigeons and 9 dogs. We asked about why they had so many dogs and the answer was that many of them were left for dead on the side of the road and the take them in and try and help. Feliz works at a local campo (picking fruits and vegetables) and makes 110 to 130 pesos ($10-$13) a day when there is work available. They look after her mom and dad as well. This is a pretty incredible little family who have shown initiative and sustainable efforts to try better themselves. Very worthy candidates of a new home!
Marina Cristobal Martinez 31, Felix Mateo Marcos 33, Glen 6, Grand Ma, Grand Pa
Family 4