My Bragging Rights Location

They May Not Be The Big One But We had A Great Day


To see a bigger picture click on picture





1st pickerel eve caught
1st cast of day on carrot river.

The Pas,Manitoba
using quantum rod/reel

pickerel rig with minnow,
trilene XL smooth casting 14lb
July 26/03


My Two Daughter First Fish

      Northern Pike
      Northern Pike Caught at Lake of the Woods Lodge

Arturo caught this nice Northern Pike very near to camp. He brought it back to show it off and then released it back into the Lake to fight another day

41 in sturgeon


Janice's caught this 41 in sturgeon July 19/03 In the Winnipeg River,

Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba

After taking pictures fish was released.

41 in sturgeon released



Muskie & BASS Caught on

Lake of the Woods

 Lake of the Woods Lodge
David and his family had a great time at Lake of the Woods Lodge this summer catching many BIG Muskie, Bass and Northerns







To have your favorite fishing picture on this web site.

Send us the picture with species of fish

Where you live prov.,state, country, etc..

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It's weight or length

Name of resort or outfitter  (if applicable)

A description of how fish was caught, line weight, etc

Your Picture will be posted with-in 48 hrs

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      Ben :   


Updated  September 18, 2003