My Bragging Rights The Big Ones





PAGE 3- 2006



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                Channel Catfish 35 1/4 in"

Master Angler Channel Catfish.

On July 8, 2003 my buddy Ben and I decided to fish for Channel Cats at Lockport.  This represents my first Master Angler Cat. It’s length was 35 ¼ inches long. The bait was well thawed out shrimp that had been left in the sun.

Caught on the red river

Lockport Manitoba, Canada

Channel Catfish 34 1/4 in"



 Master Angler Channel Catfish

   Caught on July 18, 2003

     On the red river

      Lockport Manitoba, Canada

                        Length 34 1/4 in"



  Channel Catfish 34 1/2 in"

Master Angler Channel Catfish


Caught on August 8, 2002

    On the red river

Lockport Manitoba, Canada

Length 34 1/2 in"


Northern Pike 39 1/2 in"


 Northern Pike


Caught on March 31, 2003

    Lake Of The Woods

Birch Point , Northwest Angle

Manitoba, Canada

Length 39 1/2 in"







Master Angler Channel Catfish

Caught on August 8, 2002

    On the red river

Lockport Manitoba, Canada

Length 34 1/4 in"


Channel Catfish 34 1/4 in"  



Master Bass

 48 cm/19"  caught on a 9" rapala, casting in the
rapids on the Manigatogan River

Two stringers of pikeral /bass
 and Jacks were caught in Happy Lake (Nopiming) whilst jigging!




My dad caught these fish on a trip to eagles nest resort, near point de bois, mb.  the first fish was 37 inches and the second (2 pics) was 42.5 inches.  they were both caught on a spinner with ball weight on a leader.  We live near Oak Bluff, Mb.







Caught on Oct. 5, 2003

Red River Selkirk

Manitoba, Canada

Length 29 1/2 in"


WALLEYE 291/2"






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      Ben :   


Updated  September 03, 2006